Kamis, 04 Juli 2019


Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know is what blockchain is all about and how it can transform Global Education positively? Most people are not aware of Blockchain technology and how it works.There is need for massive Global enlightenment on how this Technology functions , its potentials and how it can revolutionize the entire World positively. Education simply means impacting knowledge in Generations from the Collective truth. It simply based on trusting the Authority of Learning institution in the area of research and teaching they are representing Blockchain is simply a distributed ledger technology . It aids consensus due to its record keeping nature. In addition, the technology is highly transparent , users within the chain can validate and download various individual ledgers..The amazing feature of blockchain is that it cant be altered , its just permanent . Its almost a decade since the release of a whitepaper that defined the Blockchain P2P distributed ledger which metamorphose into the first Global Cryptocurrency which is Bitcoin. Blockchain will be highly effective in Education industry, although there series of industries that has adopted this technology. There are lots of shortcoming in the traditional Global education sectors which Blockchain is set to correct . The Team of Learn Online after having studied all shortcoming in traditional centralized Education and learning Space has come up with a sustainable solution to all these shortcomings . LOL ecosystem is solely designed to empower the World to gain access to the World Class education with the aid of Blockchain technology irrespective of time, location.. Unlike the existing Centralized education system, LOL tends to remove so many barriers and complexities in the learning system and simplify the learning process with the aid of their Decentralized learning materials market place for certification and testing from the European International University. LOL will base their Certification and Referencing on Blockchain and introducing Finger Print Digital Personality Testing by using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain for recording Data .
High social pressure has lead some young people and professionals to source and go for illegal and inappropriate means obtaining Educational qualification .Social status, uneven distribution of education to masses leads people out of desperation going for heavy loans to sponsor their education and eventually leading to high National debts. Traditional system of learning seems very expensive and making millions of people Worldwide not having access to education . The problem associated to where, when and how to learn is a very serious problem battling the traditional Education system. A very good example ,a Briton wanting to Study in America would need to migrate to that very country to study. Timetable has been designed for learning , he must always meet up with the scheduled time for their lectures.These are really the fundamental problem in education sector and it contribute to reasons why millions wouldn't have access to education .
Lol Platform have so many solutions to the problems which has been mentioned above . The problem is plaguing education sectors Globally. The LOL Platform allow learners to take decision where ,when, how and what to study , thereby preventing the existing Mundane system education and adopting more working model that will empower both the user and the system . LOL Decentralize platform is solely based on blockchain technology, everything is being perfected with the use of Blockchain and the AI . The LOL Ecosystem will enable massed to access education Globally and earning their various qualification at a very affordable cost. Lack of Education is one among the reason why the World hasn't turned to a better place yet as expected. Education Plays some vital role in humans life and society at large. Education improves life , encourage broad thinking and springs out innovations.Millions across the Globe cant access basic education due to their financial in capabilities. LOL Ecosystem with their token economics solution will solve the aforementioned problem . Eventually , LOL Platform will represent a very huge marketplace for learners to enroll for a very quality , Competency based , job skill oriented courses and professional lectures, trainers and instructors across the Globe irrespective of time , money and location.
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Highlights of the LOL Platform
(i) LOL Coins are Ethereum based tokens on blockchain technology . it is the major currency in the LOL Platform and core asset for the LOL Ecosystem . It can be used to buy digital education in the marketplace.

(ii) The LOL Platform is compatible with any device. its works on Mobile apps, desktop and tablet.
(iii) Decentralized : LOL as a decentralized digital learning Market place has diverse source of revenues.
(iv) LOL Winning Team : Lol consist of professionals , they are existing Certified Professionals, technologist, trainers, instructors , lecturers , recruiting and more.
(v) Live RSS FEEDS : This is a medium which live news information about new courses, certification,counselling , registration are being shared to the public.
LOL Education platform is revolutionizing education with integrated Digital learning Platform on Decentralized LOL system. LOL Project is a project which i believe everyone must support . The Platform has been developed by Team of expertise with over 20 years experience of international Education management .This kind of project needs to be supported in other to make the World a more better place for everyone . Education for the masses will improve the World. Apart from that investors will earn high revenue share from their various investment in the future . I recommend everyone to invest in LOL STO and be part of this world amazing revolution and Global initiative. LOL has been established since 1998 with different international School Campuses , business schools and international University in their Portfolio.
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LOL Winning Team
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LOL official Resources
Email for any inquiry :info@loleiu.io
Telegram https://t.me/joinchat/G1P6Ag0hh6lVrk0pvRx1mA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coin_lol
Linkedin: contact individual team member


Jumat, 08 Maret 2019

Bolttcoin Revolution Gamification Health Platform with Digital Currency

All office work activities are tiring and tedious, even when doing sports is very minimal, health is the source of everything, many people sometimes do work activities without being balanced with physical activities / sports to keep the body in shape during activities, there is currently a platform which will provide a health solution for all of us by providing end-to-end technology to improve your health.

BOLTT - Established 3 years ago precisely in 2015, Boltt is a provider of end-to-end technology solutions that improve the health of users by providing incentives to them with bonus tokens, utilizing blockchain and health gamification. Boltt initially developed a mobile application to track health and fitness and later, various wearable fitness devices including advanced fitness trackers & advanced sensors that cover all aspects of a person's health from activity, sleep to nutrition and fitness.

Later, Boltt began its research and development to launch a health and fitness socialization platform that utilizes AI to provide health-based training with exciting challenges.
On the other hand, the Boltt platform is a means to monetize data related to people's health; this is a solution to long-felt needs because there is almost no way at present to monetize as data has happened. This is very important, as it has been found that more than half of smart phones users gather information about their health on their phone. This, in turn, helps other stakeholders in the ecosystem to aggregate and analyze user data to gain insights for managerial decision making.
There are so many benefits that you will get like, Activity Tracker, Motion Detection, Automatic Sleep Tracking, etc. as you will see below:

Boltt has everything you want, in everything related to your daily activities, Bolt also has excellent technology, Boltt uses Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computation to improve the health & fitness level of this generation. Machines that do speech recognition and respond to human drives are routine in today's society. AT Boltt, our AI progress that can be used is to explore the future, boundary and extreme machine capabilities of their "intelligence" and their ability to replicate human thought

Boltt also has smart shoes with technology embedded in its Core by combining Fashion and Technology. Vision on Boltt, not only helps you run better, but also helps you run SMARTER. Bolt running shoes are embedded with sensors that track bio-mechanical data, when one runs. We call it Connected Shoes because they are intuitively connected to all your movements. They analyze your steps and ways and provide corrective feedback.

There will be many benefits that you can get by connecting to The Boltt APP Personal Fitness Coach Your AI you will now be guided by an unlimited guide. Bolt is available on the App Store with a few points
Practice Together
Destroy all obstacles and push yourself to the limit. A library with 200+ exercises and training plans designed by global fitness experts.
Coach in your ear
Our integrated personal trainer ensures you don't fall before the finish line. Enjoy direct audio instructions on training performance, speed and technique.
Beat Your Personal Best
This is not whether you are crushed; are you awake See post-training reports and analyzes that tell you how to improve.
Personalized for you
Make your own practice. Set your own goals. Practice with specific exercises designed by you, for you.
Custom Training Program
You will go somewhere, for motivation & fitness guidance. A series of weekly, monthly & daily recommendations about exercise & diet, designed to fit your schedule and target weight.
Challenge yourself
When you have something to prove, nothing is more important than a challenge. Enjoy the challenges of the Boltt community that is fun and inspiring.

A lot of what you will get by joining Boltt, with Boltt technology that they have connected to the network and the App store is very easy for you in all activities that you do, join with Boltt, Boltt Coin is designed as a digital digital currency for the masses.Token BolltCoin can mined exclusively through physical activity, namely the number of steps taken by users, acting as a means of mining to increase their double investment? in their health and wealth.
The BolltCoin Token will disrupt the cryptocurrency scene, targeting to become the biggest trading digital token in the internal ecosystem, right after Bitcoin and Ethereum because it aims to take the mainstream crypto currency. The Boltt coin health ecosystem includes challenges, tournaments, markets, cellular wallets; payment solutions, and a personalized global health ID, issued to each user. The company has created a complete partner network, which counts more than 25,000 merchants and more than 1 million products affiliated with the platform. If you are interested in having BOLLTCOIN tokens you can visit the official website of their website directly, for roadmap information and supportive professional teams throughout this project, 

you can immediately visit the link below

WEBSITE: https://bolttcoin.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bolttsports
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/BolttCoin


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Ekosistem Online IO

Token online (OIO) adalah aset digital yang unik dan progresif yang dipasangkan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman penelusuran Anda setiap kali Anda ingin mencari informasi online dengan menghilangkan malware, iklan, perangkat lunak pelacakan, dan ketidaknyamanan lainnya yang menyulitkan Anda untuk menikmati mengakses berbagai situs web dan platform. Pengembang juga telah berusaha keras untuk menerapkan protokol dan tindakan untuk memastikan kedua pengguna akhir dari aset dan operator web mendapatkan manfaat sepenuhnya.

Manfaat dari Leveraging Online (OIO) Token
Tidak Ada Lagi Iklan
Perusahaan dan perusahaan menghabiskan ribuan dolar per bulan untuk membuat dan mendistribusikan iklan secara online. Mereka akan muncul di browser Anda secara tidak terduga memaksa Anda untuk mengalihkan konsentrasi dari apa yang Anda lakukan kepada mereka. Ekosistem Online (OIO) dirancang untuk melindungi Anda dari iklan ini. Operator web tidak menutup diri dari pengaturan ini, karena mereka juga akan mendapatkan imbalan finansial yang murah hati.

Memastikan Privasi
Kemajuan teknologi telah mengarah pada pembuatan perangkat lunak pelacakan yang memonitor aktivitas Anda secara online. Informasi sensitif seperti situs web yang sering Anda kunjungi, lokasi Anda, dan rekening bank dapat dijaring oleh perangkat lunak ini. Anda dapat melindungi diri Anda dari hal tersebut dengan bergabung dengan ekosistem Online (OIO). Pengembang telah menciptakan broker skrip pelacakan unggul yang membuat tidak mungkin bagi perangkat lunak apa pun untuk membahayakan privasi Anda.

Perlindungan Antivirus Tingkat Lanjut
Jutaan virus dan malware dikembangkan dan dirilis ke dalam lingkup digital setiap hari. Beberapa sangat canggih sehingga perangkat lunak antivirus tradisional tidak dapat mengidentifikasi dan menghapusnya dari komputer Anda. Ekosistem token online (OIO) dirancang untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan memberikan perlindungan antivirus tingkat lanjut kepada semua pengguna. Script pemblokiran dan anti malware kustom menjamin keamanan Anda serta data pribadi saat online.

Browsing Kecepatan Roket
Anda mungkin menyadari fakta bahwa iklan online memperlambat kecepatan di mana browser Anda dapat mengakses situs web. Dengan sistem token Online (OIO), Anda akan menikmati penjelajahan yang lebih cepat karena semua iklan diblokir dari sistem. Meskipun demikian, operator web dalam ekosistem akan tetap dapat menghasilkan pendapatan dengan memonetisasi konten yang mereka terbitkan di situs web dan blog.

Aplikasi Mobile dan Ekstensi Browser
Ekosistem Online (OIO) akan memiliki aplikasi seluler yang berfungsi dengan sempurna sebagai pemblokir iklan, melacak pencekalan skrip, dompet, dan anti-malware. Selain itu, aplikasi ini akan memiliki penambahan waktu dan peningkat kinerja baterai yang akan membuat sesi browsing Anda menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menyenangkan

Selain itu, solusi Online (OIO) menawarkan ekstensi peramban canggih yang kompatibel dengan hampir semua peramban seluler di dunia saat ini serta merek komputer. Pengguna juga akan dapat mengkurasi internet tanpa melanggar keringat, karena kami akan mengintegrasikan sistem pemungutan suara yang unik dan user-friendly.

Detail Token Online (OIO)

Tanggal Pra-Penjualan: 15 Juni 2018
Penjualan Publik: 10 Juli 2018
Tanggal Akhir TGE: 31 Juli 2018
Max OIO Tokens: 2.500.000.000
Soft Cap: $ 5.000.000
Hard Cap: $ 50.000.000
Harga OIO Token: $ 0,04
Pikiran Akhir

Token Online (OIO) Token merevolusi cara di mana kita menjelajah internet dengan menghilangkan hampir semua pegangan yang telah kita alami selama beberapa dekade sekarang. Tim ini fokus dan berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa proyek ini berhasil sehingga yakinlah bahwa ini akan menjadi Penawaran Koin Awal yang paling sukses tahun 2018 ini. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi Situs Web Resmi untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang ICO yang akan datang ini. Anda juga dapat bergabung dengan percakapan di Telegram, Twitter, dan membaca whitepaper dan JN Thread


Website: https://online.io/
Whitepaper: https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Telegram: https://t.me/OnlineIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_


Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Potensi Besar Ubcoin Market

Nilai harga dari cryptocurrency sebagian besar ditentukan oleh kekuatan buy and sell dari para pengguna teknologi ini. Cryptocurrency sangat marak dikembangkan oleh berbagai perusahaan dan team engineer di berbagai belahan dunia. Bahkan Google Ventures juga berinvestasi di salah satu teknologi cryptocurrency. Terdata sudah lebih dari 500 cryptocurrency diciptakan berdasarkan coinmarketcap.com. Beberapa cryptocurrency memiliki berbagai konsep yang berbeda dan beberapa memiliki konsep yang meniru koin lainnya. Karena nilai dasar cryptocurrency murni berdasarkan kekuatan buy dan sell tidak dijamin oleh apapun kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan Platform yg berhubungan dengan cryptocurrency Ubcoin market adalah sebuah platform marketplace yang menggunakan cryptocurency yang berbasis pada Etherium dengan metode smart kontrak dalam setiap transaksinya. Platform ini memungkinkan setiap orang dapat dengan aman, dan mudah membeli atau menjual barang dengan menggunakan cryptocurency tanpa menggunakan fiatcurency yang biasa kita gunakan. Hal ini tentunya akan sangat menunjang aktifitas jual beli terutama untuk jual beli barang lintas Negara. Teknologi blokchain memungkinkan transaksi pada platform marketplace ini akan menjadi lebih murah, aman, efektif dan efisien sehingga dapan menjadi stimulus keberhasilan sebuah transaksi jual beli 

Platform Marketplace yang mengubntungkan

  Setidaknya ada 5 alasan mengapa ICO Ubcoin Market merupakan kesempatan yang baik untuk berivestasi sehingga sangat sayang untuk diabaikan. Alasan-alsan tersebut sebagai berikut :
1. Ubcoinmarket bukanlah proyek greenfield, tetapi sebuah ekstensi dari platfom aplikasi seluler ubank yang telah ada sejak tahun 2009.
2. Ubank merupakan leader mobile finance yang telah sukses di Eropa timur. Ubank telah sukses sebagai sebuah aplikasi yang telah di download sebanyak lebih dari 16 juta kali di App Store dan Google Play, dengan pengguna bulanan sebanyak lebih dari 2,5 juta, pengguna harian sebanyak 200 ribu, dan telah sukses melaukuan transaksi lebih dari 20 juta transaksi.
3. Ubank memiliki tim yang kuat dan berpengalaman, dengan jumlah pengembang lebih dari 50 orang yang terdiri dari Developer, Top Manager, dan advisor talent . Hal ini tentunya akan sangat mendukung perkembangan Ubcoin Market kedepannya.
4. Ubcoin Market telah bekerja sama dengan perusahaan ternama dan investor dengan reputasi baik. Diantaranya samsung, fly, dan runa capital.Pasar Ubcoin selaras dengan sekelompok mitra strategis yang terpilih, memanfaatkan ikatan yang ada untuk mengembangkan visi progresif untuk masa depan ekonomi aset digital. Membangun hubungan nasional dan internasional dengan perusahaan yang inovatif memungkinkan berbagi sumber daya, kolaborasi, dan peluang berharga untuk menumbuhkan kesuksesan perusahaan.
Official Pertner Ubcoin Market
5. Ubcoin Market merupakan aplikasi dengan berbagai kengunggulan hingga memungkinkan pengguna aplikasi ini akan dapat menggunakannya dengan nyaman. Berikut adalah keunggulan dari Ubcoin Market

Potensi besar Ubcoin Market

Perkembangan cryptocurency yang sangat pesat akan memacu perubahan penggunaan fiatcurency menjadi cryptocurency dalam aktifitas perdagangan. Untuk itu, masyarakat dunia akan membutuhkan sebuat platform marketplace yang memungkinkan masyarakat di seluruh dunia dapat menjual atau membeli suatu barang dengan menggunakan mata cryptocurency. Setidaknya ada 4 alasan mengapa Ubcoin Market akan menjadi platform marketplace yang akan sangat sukses di kemudian hari.
Potensi Besar Ubcoin Market
1. Banyak orang menginginkan cara yang sederhana dan aman untuk mendapatkan uang kripto, tetapi mereka tidak tahu caranya. Mereka bukan penambang, bukan trader, mereka hanya individu yang melihat nilai tambah dalam berinvestasi di mata uang kripto. Jumlah pemilik mata uang kripto diproyeksikan meningkat dari 22 juta saat ini menjadi lebih dari 200 juta pada tahun 2020.
2. Namun orang-orang yang sama ini sangat nyaman dengan pembelian dan penjualan di Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Taobao dan sejenisnya. Pada tahun 2016, pasar mencatat 44% dari $2,44 trilyun dihabiskan pada situs-situs marketplace ini ditahun 2016.
3. Wallet mata uang kripto biasanya terkonsentrasi pada perangkat seluler, dengan lebih dari 65% dompet adalah aplikasi mobile. Pengguna Smartphone global diproyeksikan mencapai 37% pada tahun 2020.
4. Populasi global pembeli digital akan melampaui 2 miliar orang pada tahun 2020.

Tentang token dan ICO

  • ☑️ Nama : UBCoin
    ☑️ Simbol : UBC
    ☑️ Jumlah total : UBC
    ☑️ Jaringan Token : Ethereum ERC20
    ☑️ Pra-Jual Pribadi Terbatas : 200 000 000
    ☑️ Penempatan Publik (ICO) : 1 800 000 000
    ☑️ Alokasi Tim : 480 000 000
    ☑️ Bounty & Advisors : 160 000 000
    ☑️ Imbalan Komunitas: 120 000 000
    ☑️ Cadangan : 1 240 000 00

☑️ Token tidak terjual
➠ Token dicetak hanya setelah pembayaran dengan ETH, sehingga tidak ada token yang tidak terjual
yang akan dibuat penutupan acara pembuatan token.

☑️ Metode Pembayaran Token
➠ Kami hanya menerima ETH dari ERC-20 token standard wallets, mengirim ETH dari bursa dapat menyebabkan hilangnya dana Anda.

☑️ Tim Vesting, Anti-Dumping Measures
➠ Ubcoin tim penjatahan UBC dimaksudkan untuk dikunci selama enam bulan pertama setelah tanggal distribusi, dan akan diberikan selama periode 12 bulan setelah akhir periode lock-up, pada 25% setiap kuartal.

☑️ Cadangan
➠ Selama tahap awal pengembangan Marketplace Ubcoin, setidaknya 31% dari keseluruhan pasokan akan dipertahankan oleh Ubcoin Reserve Pool untuk melindungi cryptocurrency yang baru lahirdari perdagangan spekulatif dan menjaga fleksibilitas pada tahap awal evolusi sistem. The Ubcoin Reserve Pool dapat dirilis dalam jatah terbatas dengan keputusan Direksi untuk memastikan pengembalian jangka panjang dan likuiditas bagi komunitas UBC

Ringkasan bisnis

Ubcoin Marketplace adalah pasar ponsel global untuk membeli dan menjual dunia nyatabarang untuk cryptocurrency.Jumlah pemegang cryptocurrency diproyeksikan meningkat hampir 10 kali lipat, darisaat ini 22 juta hingga 200 juta di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2020. Cara termudah untuk menjadipemilik cryptocurrency adalah dengan menjual barang untuk crypto. Pendekatan ini akan mendorong massaadopsi di tahun-tahun mendatang.Kapitalisasi pasar cryptocurrency adalah sekitar $ 300 miliar. Ada yang hebatpermintaan untuk menghabiskan kekayaan itu dengan membeli barang-barang dunia nyata untuk crypto.Hampir setengah dari semua aktivitas pembelian dan penjualan online sekarang terjadi di pasar, sementaraperdagangan seluler akan segera melampaui perdagangan web sebagai penetrasi ponsel cerdas globalmencapai 37% dari populasi dunia pada tahun 2020.The Ubcoin Marketplace bukanlah proyek greenfield, tetapi merupakan perpanjangan dari Ubankaplikasi seluler:Perusahaan yang sudah dewasa, ada sejak tahun 2009Produk kami saat ini, Ubank, memiliki lebih dari 16 juta instalasi di seluruh duniaKami terdiri dari 50+ pengembang, talenta manajemen puncak dan penasihatUbcoin akan meningkatkan dan menemukan kembali proposisi nilai produk yang adaSamsung dan Fly melakukan pra-instal produk kami saat ini di semua ponsel cerdas, dijual dalam 10negara-negara Eropa Timur dan Asia Tengah, termasuk unggulan Galaxy 9Penjualan token bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pembiayaan guna mempercepat pengembangan Ethereumkontrak cerdas berbasis blockchain, dari skrining berbasis AI dan teknologi KYC, dan untukmendanai ekspansi global. Model distribusi unik aplikasi Ubank melalui pra-pemasangan olehprodusen akan diskalakan ke geografi baru


OfficialWebsite: https://ubcoin.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubcoinmarket/
Sedang: https://medium.com/@ubcoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/ubcoinmarket
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ubcoin
Youtube: https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCRB5FO3TQHqVEQs3kWUkaow
Github: https://github.com/ubcoin/ubcoin#links
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3109856.0
Buku putih: https://ubcoin.io/locals


Rabu, 18 Juli 2018

EXTOKE is a new fee free Decentralized Ethereum ERC20

Cryptocurrency has become the currency of people who love simplicity and transparency. With its introduction in the year 2008, it has come a long way. Being able to present solid real-life applications for the users across the world is the ultimate aim of the many of the platform working in the cryptocurrency space. It has become the next billion dollar idea for venture capitalists to invest in the cryptocurrency based startups. And, mainly people are the biggest driving force in the community. But, many of the challenges are still present in the industry and they have to be overcome before the real story of cryptocurrency can begin.

In this blasting industry the Erc-20 token has turned into the main thrust. The Ethereum Token Trading scene has developed by a wide margin in the course of the last 12 month, anyway existing digital money trades are not ready to deal with the exchanging requests, nor would they be able to offer a sheltered and secure exchanging arrangement. ExToke has been created to fill the hole in the cryptocurrency exchanging industry and to destroy expenses from the condition to profit the two brokers and designers.
what is Extoke?
EXTOKE is a new fee free Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange with absolutely no fees for buyer or sellers. EXTOKE will strengthen the DEX industry by offering an instant, trustless, secure token exchange process via our XTO smart contract.
With the progress of digital cryptocurrencies and blockchain innovation over the past barely any years, an ever increasing number of individuals are changing from conventional fiat-based money related framework towards blockchain and cryptocurrencie particularly.
The issues looked by brought centralized exchanges incorporate, yet are not constrained to: High taxes, security issues (cash put away in executive records), a genuine danger of turning into a casualty of programmers and the issues looked by the DEX business, however not restricted to: high obligations, absence of client bolster. ExToke takes care of these issues by giving decentralized trades. With DEX, you keep your assets. The DEX arrangement from ExToke gives finish security because of our XTO keen contract. You claim your cash, and they stay protected and secure in your wallet. Restrictive contract XTO from ExToke securely and immediately does exchanges with no charges. ExToke don’t make a commission from your callings, and your assets are never in wherever, sitting in your wallet.
The Problem
The issues confronting centralized exchanges are, yet not constrained to:
* High Fees
* Security concerns (cash held in administrator accounts)
* Serious danger of succumbing to programmers
The issues confronting the DEX business are, yet not restricted to:
* High Fees
* Lack of client bolster
Our Solution
  • ExToke expect to take care of the current issues of current cryptocurrency trades. ExToke highlights ZERO exchanging expenses to boost dealers’ benefit and general client encounter.
  • ExToke can process arranges progressively by means of our XTO Exchange Smart Contract, accomplishing the genuine “constant” exchanging knowledge.
  • Decentralized trades are the most secure approach to exchange. With DEX, you hold your reserves. You OWN your assets. They don’t sit in an administrator account holding up to be expelled by a seaward programmer! Our DEX arrangement offers finish security by means of our XTO brilliant contract.
  • YOU possess your assets and they stay protected and secure inside your wallet. Our XTO brilliant contract securely and in a flash completes exchanges without any charges.
  • ExToke make no commission from your exchanges and your assets are never at any point sitting in a wallet that does not have a place with you.
  • We additionally offer a devoted every minute of every day bolster group by means of email, web based life and live visit through Telegram.
Advantages To Traders
  • Expenses
No expenses imply that brokers can exchange any number of tokens without stressing about taking misfortunes because of charges. This enables the chance to utilize numerous here and now exchanging techniques without bothersome expenses acting as a burden!
  • Support
ExToke offers all day, every day committed help to guarantee that your exchanging background is as smooth as could be expected under the circumstances!
Benefits To ICO Holders
  • Marketing
    Every token launch will be announced through multiple social media channels and mobile notifications via the ExToke Mobile Trading App. All projects will be listed on our website and social media to ensure maximum audience exposure.
  • Fees
    A great incentive for investors to trade your token on our exchange.
  • Support
    24/7 dedicated support for developers to ensure that investors have unlimited and uninterrupted access to trading your token.
XTO Token Details

Supply: 1,000,000,000
50% of the total supply of XTO will be distributed during the token sale. Each XTO token will initially be priced at the discounted rate of 0.000001 ETH.
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 XTO
Token Sale Supply: 500,000,000 XTO
Hard Cap: 500 ETH
Soft cap: 50 ETH
Discounted Exchange Rate: 0.000001 ETH = 1 XTO
Standard Exchange Rate: 0.0001 ETH = 1 XTO
Contract Address: 0x28925299ee1edd8fd68316eaa64b651456694f0f
Allocation of Funds:
For more information please check the following links bellow:
Official Website: https://www.extoke.com/
Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/extoke


LOL ECOSYSTEM Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know is what blockchain is all about and how it can transform...